‘Business of Podcasting’ gains international praise from Danish podcast expert Karin Høgh

“Donna and Steve represent a perfect mix of knowledge – and experience – radio production, corporate communication and podcasting. Reading and using this book is a must whether you come from a professional background in communications or from a non-professional background as a podcaster offering your services to businesses. The book completely lacks ‘snake oil’ talk about podcasting and how businesses work, and how the use of small business loans could help for people starting a business.

The payment history of the individual or business is quantified into a credit score to assess the credit-worthiness of a person or business. The personal credit score of the business owners or founders and the record of payments history compiled from multiple institutions can significantly affect the business’ eligibility for a loan. Having a healthy credit score indicates that you are financially disciplined and are quite unlikely to default on repayment.  If you are being denied when requesting a credit due to a bad credit score, you could try here.

What a relief. The book is not an attempt to oversell the benefits of audio podcasting. If you know the medium, you already know the pros and cons. The book is, however, the perfect way to guide the person who is going to offer her services  and expertise to companies in a professional, safe and convincing manner.”
– Karin Høgh, owner, PodConsult

Karin Høgh is an independent podcasting consultant in Copenhagen, Denmark. Having more than 20 years of experience in radio, online news, radio-hosting and writing, Karin Hoegh is the go-to-person for individuals, businesses, organisations and educators, who would like to take advantage of podcasting or just publishing audio content online. She runs a sound studio named coSounds  for clients and other podcasters who need a sound regulated room to speak and make interviews. She runs the webshop PodConsults butik and a showroom with equipment for getting started with audio and video eg. on smartphones and iPads. She is author of a Danish book on strategic audio and video podcasting released September 2010.

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